
Refund and Returns Policy

Reservation – Cancellation Policy

For reservations canceled 21 days before arrival, there will be no cancellation charges, and 100% of the deposit will be refunded.

For reservations canceled or modified between 20 and 5 days before arrival, a cancellation fee of 50% of the total accommodation cost will apply.

For reservations canceled or modified less than 4 days before arrival or for early departure before the scheduled date, you will be charged the total amount of the reservation.

In case of “no-show,” you will be charged the total amount of the reservation.

For reservations made with a “non-refundable charge,” no cancellation policy applies, and they are prepaid from the day of booking.

The hotel reserves the right to pre-authorize the deposit amount from your credit card and, in case of a last-minute cancellation, early departure, or no-show, to charge the total amount.

Children Policy

Children under 3 years old staying in the same room without the addition of an extra bed are not charged.

The limit for additional persons in a double room regardless of age is 1 (triple).

Placement of a Baby Cot in the room is not charged.

In case of placing an Extra Bed in a double room, the price increases by 20% (triple room rate).
